(psst- all the emails mentioned here deliver to the same email! separate emails just helps us sort incoming mail!)
Scrapyard Minneapolis is a hardware hackathon organized by teens, for teens, happening on March 15-16.
It will be happening in
Twin Cities Maker. Only people <18 or in high school will be allowed at the event, however if you are outside of high school and interested in sponsoring, contact us at
scrapyard-mpls@lunarhacks.space! For volunteering, continue reading...
Q: What's a hackathon?
A: A hackathon is an event where a bunch of computer programmers(not hackers in the sterotypical sense, we won't be getting into anything illegal or anything we aren't supposed to!) get together for a set time and compete to program something based on a theme. A hardware hackathon(what this event is) is where the programmers', instead of only coding, also work to make something physically that is then programmed.
Q: How long is the event?
A: 12-ish hours. I say 12-ish because the attendees will be programming for 12 hours, but the space will be used for longer.
Q: Can I join virtually?
A: No, sorry. To participate you have to come physically. If you are too far away, we can provide a travel stipend to pay for gas or a flight. Contact us with any questions at
Q: Where do I sign up?
A: A signup form is coming soon! Check back on this page later. You could also email us at
scrapyard-mpls@lunarhacks.space to be alerted when signups open.
Q: What should I bring?
A: Your laptop and a positive attitude! We will provide everything else.
Q: Can I be in a team?
A: Yes! You can be in teams of up to four people, and if you don't know who you want to be with, join
the LunarHacks discord server!
Volunteers would do jobs such as:
* Supervising attendees in places such as the 3d printer room, the electonics room, or in the classroom(main area where we will be)
* Providing help to attendees when requested
* Getting items from stores and/or restaurants
* Setting up food
* More!
When volunteering, you also wouldn't have to stay for the entire time.
We would like you to stay as long as you can, however there is no minimum time limit.
And we would also like people that know first aid/can perform CPR, so if anything mentioned above sounds interesting, contact us at
If you volunteer, you will also get a free shirt, food, and a special badge identifying you as a volunteer that you can keep after the event!